Hexo is a fast, simple & powerful blog framework. It is based on Node.js which brings you incredible generation speed. Also, Hexo can support Markdown features and kinds of plugins.
- Install Node.js
- Install Hexo
- Setup the blog
- Initialize blog
- Generate static files
- Start local server to preview
- Set theme to NexT
- Config GitHub Pages
- Connect Hexo to GitHub
- Deploy Hexo into GitHub
Install Node.js
Firstly, download Node.js from https://nodejs.org/ and install it into your OS.
To check the status of installation, open the terminal:
1 | $ node -v |
The verion of Node.js is v8.9.4.
1 | $ npm -v |
The verion of Npm is 5.6.0.
Install Hexo
Open the terminal of your OS.
1 | $ npm install hexo-cli -g |
Setup a blog
Generate Blog related files with Hexo.
Initialize blog
Initialize a blog will create a folder named “blog” and related files.
1 | $ hexo init blog |
Generate static files
Change directory into “blog” and generate static files for our blog.
1 | $ hexo g |
Start local server
Start a local server for preview then type “localhost:4000” in your browser.
1 | $ hexo s |
Change themes to NexT
In the Git bash command window, get a new themes from github.
1 | $ git clone https://github.com/iissnan/hexo-theme-next themes/next |
Connect Hexo to Github
Add the following configuration into _config.yml file which locates in the root path of blog.
1 | $ deploy: |
Set “theme” option with “next”
1 | $ theme: next |
Deploy to remote sites
Open a terminal and install deploy tool.
1 | $ npm install hexo-deployer-git --save |
After config hexo, the blog can be deploy to remove GitHub pages server.
1 | $ hexo clean |
Now the blog with hexo can be accessed through https://shensongjian.github.io